With the impending shut down of the L train, the MTA intends to send 70 shuttle buses an hour over the Williamsburg Bridge. Once those buses exit the bridge, they will travel across Delancey Street. Additional bike lanes are also being proposed for Delancey Street. Meanwhile, the traffic is piling up on Grand Street from the FDR Drive to Essex Street due to changes in traffic patterns, affecting the residential makeup of the neighborhood. This fast-paced, one-night design competition invited multidisciplinary teams to propose design solutions for moving traffic, pedestrians, bikes, and buses safely at this contested crossroads.

“Infrastructure Vinyasa: all things are connected” by Marvel Architects: Lissa So, Founding Partner (team leader); Yadiel Rivera; Erik Chu; Alexander Sergyev; Eugene Murphy
“Commuting to Manhattan from Williamsburg without the L train may take longer–but could it be more fun?” The winning design proposes a “green elevated pathway dedicated for bikes and pedestrians that connects the Williamsburg Bridge to Allen and Chrystie Street, allowing for public gathering spaces below.”

“Elevate: Interweaving Lower East Side” by Kate Fisher, 3×3 Design (team leader); Kristopher Steele, MCP Candidate, MIT; Michaela Kramer, TYTHEdesign; Jakob Winkler, 3×3 Design
The runner-up team advocated a multi-part approach: “We propose to redesign the Essex-Delancey Corridor by prioritizing pedestrian and bicycle flows, implementing a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system, and activating in-between spaces as public places for gathering, recreation, commerce and learning.” The plan includes increased green space, elevated walkways for both cyclists and pedestrians, exhibition spaces, and a corridor connecting bike and foot traffic to Sara D. Roosevelt Park.

“Shifting Priorities” by Niharika Kannan, Deeksha Kalra, and Saritza Martinez Rodriguez, Masters of Arts candidates at Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
“Delamination” by Komal Kehar, Architect, and Hannes Bend, Artist
“LES Flow” by Lindsay Levine, Transportation Planner, AKRF; Owen DiMarzo: Planner, AKRF; Jordan Preston, Founder of LavaMap; Lily Consuelo; Saporta Tagiuri, Industrial Designer

Presented with New Design High School.
Download a PDF of the competition guidelines here COMPETITION BRIEF